Thursday, November 6, 2014

Transit Infrastructure - South Worcester

 For a group project I am doing in my Planning and Zoning course, we have been tasked with examining the transportation infrastructure in South Worcester. For those familiar with Worcester these photos were taken in the area near the South Worcester industrial park in the triangle that is defined by the two railroad tracks on either side and Cambridge St on the South side.

Although I was mostly taking photos to document the infrastructure and provide visuals of our plan I also tried to take some that showed the area.

This photograph was meant to document Grand St. It is one of the only SE/NW roads in the neighborhood but is unfortunately cut off by the railroad tracks on both sides. It has the potential to be an important through-way for the area but doesn't have as much action on it now. There are many residences and a couple of small businesses on the street which make it a small center of the neighborhood. I liked this photo because it had a bit more liveliness and shows some of the character of the residential part of the neighborhood.

Although this photo is of the railroad tracks I took it because of the feeling of abandonment. The shadow has a lonely feeling to me and there is a sense of forgotten-ness in the tracks which lie much below street level in this particular location. Although the tracks are still used, the area around faces disinvestment so the tracks also begin to feel abandoned. 

This was by far my favorite photo from the shoot. These old silos are iconic of the South Worcester Industrial Park. The barrier of the fence and the Road Closed sign add to the feeling of desolation. Despite large investment by the City of Worcester to make this land appealing to incoming industry, the plots still lie vacant. The hope is that one day the 20 acres in South Worcester will become a location for industry which creates jobs for the local residents. The plots have great rail and highway access so it could be a good location for industries in need of easy transportation access.

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